
Process automation is already
a reality in TEJWHEELS


Process automation is already
a reality in TEJWHEELS

In TEJWHEELS the organization is the base of the movement. For this reason, we have adopted the Lean Manufacturing philosophy to continue advancing in improving customer satisfaction, increasing production capacity and reducing costs.

Automated processes

We are advancing towards the automation of processes, a great step for the deployment of the flow concept that avoids offline products.

We eliminate inefficient processes and avoid revision processes associated with faulty manufacturing.

We identify critical tasks or bottlenecks, balance lines and approximate unit flow.

A team involved with performance

We consolidate systematics for the quantification of production costs, including indirect costs.
Our team is involved in the implementation of adaptations that reduce the risks of accidents in each job.
We promote talent through work environment indicators, actions aimed at improving it as a means to increase the competitiveness of the company.

New processes, a
boost to production

We analyze the profitability associated with the incorporation of new processes.

We continue with the extension of the production system based on KANBAN cards to the manufacture of tires. We apply the techniques of SMED and 5S.

We optimize the process of painting by colors; the management of color changes or manufacturing of paint without stopping the line and the identification of the pairs that make up the product.